The three heroes

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cheddar cheesecake..

I don't know what got into me today..after came back from work suddenly I feel like baking a kids are not a big fan of cakes or cookies but their mum likes baking..lolzz. So what to do? I usually give the cakes to my staff...hehehehee
Today I found a recipe online, baking a cake using slices of cheddar cheese..since there are few slices left in the fridge, I decided to use them for baking a cheese cake. It turn out very well even though this is my first attempt using cheddar slices..


Farah Deen said...

NAT....tempting la tgk cake tuh...aku tak makan cheese...tapi kek hang menganceeeeeeeeeeeeemmmm....seriously gebu jer naik!!!Nanti hang bake choc kek kat aku eh....

Noushy Syah said...

wowoowow...cayalah doc! hehehhe...looks real..lolz!

ohh..want to read your reasons of blogging:)

LadyJava said...

Nat!!! Sedapnyer.. eh susah ke nak buat ni.. share lah recipe tu... I suka baking gak but since moving here tak terbeli-beli elecric mixer so macam mana nak buat cake kan.. my azwaj tu pun tak suka cake so everytime i want to buy the mixer, he goes.. "nak buat apa?? abg tak suka makan cake sayang!!"


natrah said...

tak mkn cheese?alamak hilang satu nikmat dunia Farah...hehehheee

kek coklat aku tak belajaq lg laaa...nnti ek..

natrah said...


looks real?? memang la real noushy :)

nnti I email kan resepi tu...senang je.mmg nk kena guna electric mixer kalau tak.. lenguh lah tgn nk pukul telur bg kembang...beli je yg kat carrefour tu LJ..I pun pakai yg tu..err RM60 je rasanya..hehhehee

Salt N Turmeric said...

nat, i pun nak recipe tu. nampak gebu macam cheesecake kat sogo tu.
kalau senang buat, memang i akan buat sbb i ni tak kuasa nak buat yg susah2. hehe.

natrah said...


meh mana add email you..I bg resepi ni...senang you..guna cheese keping2 tu je..sedaps plak tu

Wen said...

looks yummy! kenapa tak hantar sama PJ untul I..hihi..

Mrs.Zack said...


hahaha tersenyum I tengok kek tu, bestkan kek tu my akmal suka sangat. U punya kek tu nampak sungguh menerujakan terasa kat tekak nie. Nak buat dah tak boleh coz baru je selesai bakar muffin poppyseed. Tunggu muffin abis dulu baru buat kek nie :)

Yaya said...

perghhhhhhh cheese cake???oh no!!!!!fav. yaya tau ..cheese2 nehhh, looks yummyyyyy, nak sket nat...awatla nat dok jauh sgt, klo sebelah umah kan senang nak mintak..hehehehe

tiffany said...

fabulous!!!! looks yummy and lovely la... shieda never tried this cheddar recipe, maybe shud try one day nnt...

Faisal Admar said...

nat, the cake looks yummy... and i'd like to taste it, really.

cheese cake is always the best desert~