Today is Saturday another day for me to rest (not really rest but mostly a day with my hubby and kids..which I love even though it is a tiring day ..lol) before I start to work on Sunday. Last night hubby requested for me to prepare one of his favourite breakfast dish..a 'bubur nasi' or rice porridge. I learnt this recipe from my MIL. It is basically the same as bubur nasi that you have during a buffet breakfast at a hotel (ops! sorry I don't know what is the real name of this bubur nasi)..but that one the bubur is very light with lots of water, in my version of bubur nasi the bubur has to be a bit solid and sticky :). It has to be garnished with fried anchovies, pickled radish, fried peanut, salted egg and dashed of light soy sauce but my hubby and kids don't like pickled radish and salted egg so usually I don't add that. The most important thing is the red thing on top of it..what should I call it? not really a 'sambal' a sort of garnishing too..very easy to prepare and it add some hot and spicy flavour to the plain bubur nasi. I don't have the recipe too..main agak- agak jer :)
To prepare the hot and spicy garnishing, first I fried some dried shrimp without oil until it cooked. Then put them in the food processor with fresh chillies and blend until it becomes fine mixture and finally chopped some large onion into the mixture..done. It is Aiman's and Danial's fav too..
pssssst: Farah have a try tau...depa ni suka..mana tau kot2 Syabil will like it...:)
NATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT...looks yummy la...serious...ak try buat..tapi lagi suka try makan nat buat..hihihihihih...serious nampak sedap and unik..resepi turun menurun ka??
Tatau la Farah..aku pun baru tau sejak kawen, sblm tu biasa mkn yg plain mcm kat hotel tu la..yg tu mcm chinesse in origin kan?yg ni kaww kaww hg tau..esp kalau sambal tu bagi pedas sikit letak cili padi...huh sakit perottt :) Johor style kot aku rasa yg ni...betul ke tak org Johor?
try la Farah..kena mai tidoq umah aku baru aku bley masak ni utk bfast :)
Wah... looks so delish lah Nat... and sound so simple kan.. I same2 like Farah... Nat buat lagi sedapssz!!!.. eh lapaq lah pulak...lolzz!
haaaa mai la tidoq sini then I'll cook for both of you.. :)
hehhehe...this is something new and absolutely different from what I knew about porridge all my life!
Nti masakkan for Noushy as well yea..tentu Nat yg buat lebiy special..lolz!
rice porridge ni mmg my favourite... waktu buat practical kat hospital dulu mmg dok makan bubur je for lunch... hehe...
btw, i've never ever taste that hot spicy thingy la... selalu tu my mom buatkan bubur dgn lauk kentang hiris goreng masak kicap aje.. so, i'm gonna try this recipe la... thnx for sharing sis...
OK OK come and stay overnight kat my house with Farah and LJ..pastu I jamu you all mkn bubur...yeay! eh best nye..thinking bout spending a night with all of you..sure hebohh..all girl nights kan..come just tell me when :)
is it you tak penah mkn the chilli thing? aikk I got this from my MIL org JOhor..ish confius ..ke mak mertua ku saje punya resepi nih...but you hv to try best..tambah2 letak byk udg kering plus cili padi..fuh..mcm lunch pulak jadinya..
once a while hub and i wld like to have porridge, like weekend mornings. tapi my kids tak suka porridge since 14 mths!! geramnya!!!
wowwwww looks yummyyyyyyyy la nat..tapi aleeya buat konfem tak jadik hehehe
i pun suka my bubur nasi pekat. i dont really like yg macam nasi air tu. and i love the pickled radish. was it radish? all these while i tot lobak. hehe. lagi satu i suka jeruk bawang putih tu. sedap kannnnnn??? ;)
best kan porridge...esp with some flavour..
its ok wen as long as they eat something else..right?
try je mesti jadik lahhh
pickled radish tu..lobak putih yg diorang dah masin kan...is it?bukan lobak merah or carrot kan?
I like jeruk bawang putih too and it is good for ur health too(the bwg putih la but with lots of salt in there...hmmmm I'm not sure :)
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