Yes! This has been my companion since the past 4 months. Hubby bought it specially for me because I planned to continue my studies this year and also to make it easier for me to blog! (previously I used his lappy to blog..meaning that I only can blog at night when he come back from work)We don't have desktop at home :(..but now with my Blazing Red I can blog anytime..anywhere. Oh ya I just bought a red wireless mouse to complement my Blazing Red..
Psssst: Aleeya, pegi KL hari tu tak sempat la beli baju merah :( ini pun OK kan?
Wohoo... I love the RED Nat... As you know just bought a red mouse as well.. absolutely love it.. ni nak tunggu Ms Fly tua skit baru nak tukar skin...lolzz!!!
wah!!!!!!!!!! luckily u! i thot u wld go for the apple green..hihi..
wow, sexynye.... i need to get that one oso la... gonna wait for my first salary, and will buy it myself...
ya I checked 2 -3x tau kot2 mine sebijik like your mouse..malangnya kaler jer sama I punya tadak lampu kelip2 la..you ada kan?ya lah LJ now mcm2 skin ada kan..nak pilih jer kaler and corak apa...jgn la tunggu dia tua..nnti kuar yg lg canggih...now kan cpt sgt kuar laptop yg version baru2..
apple green takde la utk vaio wen..my sony cybershot ada lah kaler apple green tu...kalau ada vaio kaler tu mmg I dah rembat...hhehehehehe
beli jgn tak beli...sana tah2 murah lagi kot laptop2 semua kan?
wawawawawaaaa nat..gorgeousnya laptop vaio nattt..aihhh duit tak cukup lagi neh nak beli jenis nehh he he he
tq nat buat tag neh
Red is sexy and elegant!! But red devil is my enemy in footy,though I love red lingerie!!:)
tak mahal mana lah aleeya..tambah2 sekarang kan byk 0% interest tu...hehehee tp tiap2 bulan utang la pulakkk
hah then you should do this red tag and put up ur red lingerie...sure sexy abis..frankly I takde pun yg red in colour..lol
sini mahal lagi la laptop... huhu... so nak tak nak have to wait balik nnt la...
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