Do you know what was Aiman's answer when I ask him on what he is going to be when he grows up..he said that he wanted to be an army!!!! That was the answer a year ago, hubby and I tried our best to convince him that it is not easy to be an army and he needs to be strong and fit. Because of that we bought this look-a-like army uniform for both Aiman and Danial during our visit to KL. They love it and asked whether they can wear it tomorrow to go to kindy.Oh, no dear...your teacher will call mum and dad to school tomorrow if you both wearing that to go to school :)
psssst: but now if you ask aiman what he wants to be..he will answer this "Nak jadi Doktor macam Bak"(want to a doctor like dad) hehehhehee good good :)) Looks like we win hehheheee
hehhehe..when I was Aiman's age, when asked I also said wanna be like my mum,at teen ager still feel good about being like her,but later on,I absolutely say a NO NO and have my own dreams, even for awhile,I'm happy with it and finally I ends up doing something that I never dream before but enjoy it to the fullest!:)
p/s They absolutely look like a roaring tiger..GRRRRRRR!!tehehhee..how about Afiq? Any size for him?
yes that is true noushy..at this age mum/dad being their idols..so they tried to be one..but diorang ni byk sgt tgk TV about police and army..sbb tu jd camni..however aiman dah kurang..he started to think that being like his dad is the best thing..
hmmmm i wonder what was the job of ur late mum...
ya lah that is call takdir kan..kita merancang je Allah yang tentu kan..the most important is that you are happy with what you are doing now kan?
takde saiz la for afiq :(
Yeay.. another doctor in the house...dulu i nak jadi teacher, doctor, model, singer.. semua nak...lol... last last keja office..lolzzz
it reminds me of my nephews... when they were about 3-4 y.o, they wanted to be garbage collector cuz they can drive a big truck like them... 2 yrs after, they wanted to be postman cuz my BIL is a postman... and about 1 yr later, they wanted to be teacher just like the mother... and now when i asked them again, (currently in form 5 and form 3), one gonna be an astronaut/physician, while the other one still doesn't have any...
after all, kids look their suroundings and that makes them into a person...
biasa lah kan kecik2 ni semua mcm best..nak jd itu ini..tp biasanya influence by ppl around us..
I suka la ofis work...that is why I opt for master in community medicine sbb more of management job compared to clinical things...hehehhehe
is it??aiman pun dulu suka sgt nk jd org kutip sampah dgn majlis daerah tu!!!!!!!!sbb he always see that ppl stand at the back part of the lorry while the driver drive it...I still ingt dia siap tunjuk action how they actually stand over there...lol
ya lah kids like to immitate their idols mak bapak lah selalunya kan..so kena lah tunjuk yg baik2 kat anak2..:)
Jadi askar bagus, jadi doktor pun bagus! Jadi doktor askar pun ok juga!
he he mcm askar la hero2 nat ni.mmg dah mcm HERO!!!..pakai baju askar tu he he, mcm adik lelaki yaya mmg suka askar2 ni..ade senapang, ade baju askar, semua lah, ingatkn dia jadik askar ke polis ker....tapi dah besar dia jadik cekgu lak ...lari jauh tuuuu
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