Yes and this time around he is down with Measles. It was started when I was in KL last week and that was the reason I have to rush back home from KL that day. His fever didn't settle down despite doses of anti pyretics..and finally on Tuesday the rashes started to appear. Today after 3 days, his fever settled and the rashes faded away. Although he had fever and rashes all over his body, he never throws tantrum either during the day or at night..Alhamdulillah..or else mummy also will throw tantrums because of not enough sleep :)
See those tiny rashes over his face and chest? That is called maculopapular rash in medicine.
To know more about Measles you can browse here
alaaaaa afiq....what a good boy...sakit pon tak grumpy! Mak dia yang grumpy ..heheheheh...Good to hear that he is recovering....
ya la tu mak dia ni tadak sapa sakit pun dia grumpy...muahahhahahhahhaa angin byk kot :)
nat..ni angin kena buang nat..muhahahhahahahaha.So ur kids know what to expect from u bila hang dah tua.....Depa tau mak dia kaki beletiaq!!!
owh my lil boy.... so now, how's he doing ya kak??? it's not that bad rite... he's a good boy, jgn jatuh2 sakit lagi tau afiq...
ya betoi..to all my kids you better watch out...hehehehhhehe harap2 depa ni baca lah bila depa besaq nnti so depa tau la mak depa ni byk angin so depa tak kecik ati kalau mak depa ni beletiaq...Muahahahhahhaaa
teruk jugak kalau tgk rashes tu..I guess selama ni I tak penah lg tgk those severe rashes in measles patient...but alhamdulillah afiq punya rashes subsided only in 2 days which is very good,currently no more fever and he 's doing very well......adoii laaaaaaaaaaa mcm ni lah ada anak kecik shieda..you better prepare tau...hehhehehhe you pun tak lama lagi lah tu :)
Afiq got measles? Hope he's much better now.Nat, everyone will get measles once in our life time rite?
hhehhee..mummy don't be grumpy, nti banyak garisan2 dimuka..lolz! Afiq such a lovely lil boy..still maintain not grumpy like mummy...:p
yup he had measles last wk..tu yg memaksa I cancelled my date dgn LJ masa kat KL..but now he is well..no more fever or rashes.
Oh about measles..the statement that everyone WILL get measles sometime in their life mungkin tak berapa betul tp if you get it then it will give you lifelong immunity..meaning that sekali je lah dpr seumur hidup...yeay!legaaaaa coz all my 3 heroes semua dh pernah dpt measles...
Hahahahhahaaaa mummy mmg kdg2 a bit grumpy if she is tired :)tp tak lama pun..then sejuk la balik
ala syiannyer auntie tengok afiq..
takpe ek afiq, nnt cpt besar okay...afiq be strong okay..nnt cpt baik ye syg...syggg afiq, mmmuuuahhhhh!!!
nat, how's he now???hope he's much better okay
Alah ciannyer Afiq... and so strong boy tak meragam...
I hope he's all better now Nat.. how long actually it last eh.. this measles... mesti gatal kan??
Afiq dah OK bout measles tu,no more fever no more rashes..tp selsema la pulakkk adoi penat eh jaga anak kecik2 nih...tp tu lah pengalaman jd mak kan?hhehehhee
semlm dia susah tido,blocked nose..sekali mak bapak nye lah tak tido :(
usually masa nak keluar rashes tu yg teruk,dia tak selesa semua and high fever bila dah keluar rashes tu fever settling and tak gatal dah..but I think his measles tak lama sgt in 4 days dah takde rashes semua..1st 2 days mmg rashes very bad..so all in all almost a week la baru OK..
OOhh..... I tak ingat i dah kena measles tak.. but i know I've had chicken pox before and that's why I too a jab about 7 years back anti-chicken pox jab.. eh nak kena jab booster ke eh??
kesian afiq. kena measles lah pulak. tak tidur malam lah gamaknya mama afiq ya? nasib baik both parents doc. hehe.
chicken pox will also give you lifelong immunity...so sekali je akan dpt seumur hidup..so if you got it oredi...so you will never get it the 2nd time...no need booster dose
aiyooo doc lagi teruk la farina,selalu anak2 I undertreated...tak suka sgt bg diorang ubat..even si afiq ni measles I dok bg ubat demam jer...hehhehe kalau org lain sure nak ubat sapu lah ubat gatal lah..ubat kurang rashes lah...
but still tak leh tido mlm tu sama laaaaa mcm mak2 yg lain kalau anak sakit :(
Wah no need booster shot?? That is great news... sebab I ni takut needle!! lolzz..eh hep A, B and C must buat booster kan??? Best nyer ada kawan doctor ni.. free consult...cayang Nat!!!
hehe. u ni bunyi macam my mom lah pulak. dia dulu nurse. selagi kitorang tak sakit teruk, selagi tu lah dia kata takde apa2. lol.
Your mum was a nurse?wahh noble job tu..
betul..bila kita dah in this field kita dah tau whether it's going to be ok or not...hehehhee tp I tak la ckp kat my patient mcm ni..kang ada yg tamau amik ubat langsung plak..susah akooooo..
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