Little Afiq who fell from the bed..
That was one of the shocking incidence which was happened this early morning. Afiq fell from our bed! We were all very tired last night after came back from Daryn's birthday. Everybody went to bed right after we arrived home (My kids all fell asleep while we were still on the journey back home).
Afiq made a bit of noise about half hour before he fell down the bed. I guess he wanted his milk but I was so tired and sleepy and I didn't even call hubby to prepare his milk..After that at 5.30am we heard a loud cry from Afiq and I opened my eyes started looking for him. To my surprised he was lying on the floor!! just beside my hubby who slept there. He was lying on his stomach.OMG!..Hubby woke up and grabbed Afiq and hugged him...he cried loudly for few seconds and after given his pacifier he stopped crying. We inspected him but we only found redness area over his I guess he fell onto his cheek.Phewww! not onto his head...Alhamdulillah. Lesson learnt today " tired or busy you are your kids need your attention and care..their need comes first not yours"..and I will never put Afiq to sleep on my bed. Afiq will be sleeping on his cot or I might consider buying a new sleeping mattress to put on the floor..
my dear koala bear(afiq cutie),
Pls take care of urself as mummy is toooo tired blogging and time, push ur mummy from the bed if she refused to prepare milk for u!!!
Alah cian nyer Afiq... I hope he's ok.. nasib baik tak der apa2 kan?? ehheh.. maknyer penat betuil.. pengsan ke apa tu....lolzzz... I think it is safer kalau dia tidoq kat cot lah Nat kan...
alaaa ciannya...mummy the zzzZZzzzz snoring so hard..lolz!
Nat, don't they sleep in their own room?
Luckily nothing serious..but I guess that was surely a good lesson to mummy :p
owh, thanx god nothing bad rite... poor my lil afiq... it's occay to sleep wt him on the bed but must be between u and hubby.. otherwise letak bed betol2 sebelah dinding n afiq baring paling tepi sekali.... huhu.. ciannye afiq.... apepon baby cot is the best i think...
luckily he fell faced down. if he fell on his back, he might hurt his back head which is more serious.
do u use the bed rail? its good for kids who sleep like a pig! hehe meaning they like sleeping and turn here and there and fall..
natrah, tak apa right if i used the word 'pig', u ok kan?
Hahahhahaa Farah lepas ni dia tak yah tolak aku, aku dah boh dia kat cot..tolak la pagar cot tu...hhhehehee
but I'm worried if he cries I cannot hear him plak..ya lah mak tidoq mati...
more or less mcm pengsan lah mlm tu..during lunch time that I didn't get enough rest..mlm dah pegi sana..that's why jd mcm tu...hopefully tak jd lagi lah...
He sleeps in the cot starting yesterday :)
Yes that night mummy slept like a bear !! Terukk betul.
Aiman and Danial sleep in their own room, cuma Afiq still sleep with me..usually I'll put my kids to sleep in their own room after they can walk coz if anything happens they can run to my room..
I surely learnt a lesson.
you are right, I supposed to put him between me and hubby but after this he will be sleeping in the cot...better kan?
I usually put him on my no railings...but after that incident he sleep in the baby I don't hv to worry about fall from bed lagi...
It's OK for me Wen...I know what you mean :)
thank god hes ok Nat. but i guess semua budak2 mesti at least jatuh katil or fr somewhere once in their lifetime kan?
senang aje dia sambung tidur balik. suap aje pacifier, tunggu 2-3min dah tidur. i pun harap2 dptlah anak camtu. hehe.
uishh nasib afiq tak aper2
aleeya pernah tido tak hengat dunia..tejaga dlm 2-3 pagi tengok2 damia dah ade kat ujung kaki aleeya, cpt2 angkat dia..nasib tak jatoh bwh :((
Natrah, Afiq still can sleep on this cot? Good then! :-) Clay fell from the bed several times.. hahaha.. it's ok.. thank God. just be careful when he fell on his head, near his eyes.. it's dangerous.
that is really true...all my kids dah pernah jatuh katil :) but afiq is the one yg paling awal jatuh at the age of 6 mth! hehhe
and guess what Afiq also is the easiest to take care of...alhamdulillah..dia tau mak dia bz..:)
tu lah mak2 berkerja cam kita letih kan???hehehheh mcm la mak2 yg berkerja tu tak letih..jgn mare ye mak tak berkerja..lagi letih I think kalau the whole day I dok rumah taking care of my 3 heroes :)
hope you learn something from my story ya Damia tido kat cot better.
I was worried too that morning whether he fell on his head.. I might want to have skull x ray done..if any evidence that he fell on the head..scary lahh
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