One of the presents during Aiman birthday was a set of WATER COLOUR. He never play with it before. So last night hubby bought another set for Danial complete with the brushes. (or else they will fight over the only set..lol). Today early in the morning they asked me to teach them how to use it. They were very excited and eagerly waiting for me to prepare the water colours. ( I didn't let them to pour the water colours themselves...afraid that they will spill them over the floor).They really enjoy it and I think it is one of the best thing to keep them occupied, so I can do other household chores :)

No title by Danial..
A house, a tree, a man and the sun by Aiman..
Pssssst: off to KL tonight and will be staying at The Boulevard Hotel Mid Valley..Oh btw, tomorrow is my wedding anniversary...have any idea where should I have my romantic dinner?..hehhehehhehe
Wah Nat.. so engrossed your kids play with the watercolour eh...wah artist at work tu..lolzz..
Sampai KL nanti call me ok.. oohh romantik dinner eh.. room service lahh.. boleh makan atas katil..lolzzz!! What could be more romantik than then!!!
nat, ni kalau cikgu amir tgk...dia pelekat kat bilik seni SMSAH...muahahhahahahahaha
happy anniversary!!
MV and THE GARDENS have some nice F&B outlets. Tony Rama, San Francisco, go check it out..
or if u wanna go to the city, there are indeed many romantic restaurants. u gotta ask the concierge cause not long i didnt lepak KL edi!! hehe
hye sis!!!
happy anniversary to both u and ur hubby!!! sowie a bit late to wish... so, where u two had ur romantic candle light dinner tu ye??? must be ROMANTIC sgt2 kan...
it's very pleasant to see them do the drawing and play with the water colours... how i wished to have one during my time before... looks like danial's one more catchy to me.. it was abstract and it was lovely thou...
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