I'm going to Kuala Lumpur next Sunday (to find out about my masters programme interview result and also errr...honeymoon!!..hihii). Initially we planned to stay at this hotel because we have its holiday membership..but unfortunately we found out that we cannot use our entitlement only for one night...m
ust be at least 2 nights. Huh they are so clever and we were so 'not particular' about the agreement that we had signed about 2 years ago. It clearly stated that. Thus, not to waste our entitlement (we can book 2 nights and stay a night there but it will waste our entitlement for the year), we planned to stay at other hotels instead of that. The problem now is that we have a lot of hotels to choose from...hehhehehe from the very 'cikai' one to the high class ones...so do you have any suggestions? A hotel where we can stay overnight comfortably, easily accessible and affordable...I'm thinking of a new The boulevard Hotel at mid valley (thinking of retail therapy now..haahahahaa... evil laugh) or Le Meridien or Hilton KL..(hmmm hubby making face already)..so don't dream about Le Meridien or Hilton OK..

Alamak Nat.. not too sure about this lahh..I tak pernah dok hotel kat sini...hehehe... nanti I boleh tanya hubby kot.. you want to stay around which area...eh how long you gonna be in KL anyway??
It's OK LJ..I stay a night je kat sana..I may be bertolak mlm, so arrive in KL early morning...I planned to stay area mid valley and KL sentral..don't like area ampang or sultan ismail even though byk hotel kat situ...
oohh satu malam jer..ok then.. ok call me lah once you arrive and free ok :)
nat...i would say boulevard is a gooooood hotel...location superb sangat and senang! The hotel is quite new and rooms/bathroom pun very comfy!!! I stayed there a few times and memang love the city view as well...try to ask them the 28th floor....for the scenic view and nak ber romantika!!! hihihihihihih.......
Retail therapy tu yang sgt best rite Nat?
Nat dtg KL?singgah la PUTRAJAYA, aleeya ada kat putrajaya...
Ok I'll give you a call nnti
tgh checking out which one is the best in terms of comfortability and affordability hehhehehhe :)
Yeay..retail therapy sgt best..
kat precinct berapa?btw, aleeya kat prime minister dept kan?
mid valley boulevard shd be ok, more convenient with kids, got shopping mall there, everything is there,even if u forget diapers! hehe
le meridien tu cantik but tak convenient la.
dont go for cikai la, got kids not good la
huhu, tak dapat nak tolong la kak... nie kne tanye dak2 KL sendiri ni kot2 diorang tau kan..
so, u'r gonna continue ur study ye.... good luck, hopefully the result of the interview bakal menghappykan kami semua, most importantly u and ur family... all the best ya...
Most probably I'll be staying there..not bringing my kids la wen..got some work to settle at HUKM cheras dah tu honeymoon sekali lah...hehehehhehehhe.I'll stay in kl only for 1 night so better to leave my kids sbb nanti buat penat diorang je kan...
most probably the boulevard kat mid valley tu...sbb the review said it is good(farah and wen said that too)
yes hopefully I got the offer to do it kat HUKM...tp kesian plak nk tinggal my kids and hubby kalau dpt :((
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