I was tagged by ladyjava to spread this message about love and peace. Nobody in his/her normal state of mind would want war...but it still happens. In other words...those ppl who create war are INSANE !!
Since this is to spread the love and peace...I would like all my blogging friends to spread this message....come on guys..make love not war !
The rules:
1. If you get tagged or not (and want to play along), take some minutes to meditate about love and peace, pray for countries that are facing troubles, for those people you love and those you don’t.
2. Write a post with links to blogs that you think would like to participate.
3. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people-jawaharlal Nehru
Next, I was tagged by Farah to reveal my wedding photos....
Only these 2 were approved by my hubby to be published... :)
My wedding ceremony was held on 14th April 2001 in Alor Setar Kedah and 21st April 2001 in Johor Bahru Johor..

pelik kan, manusia berebutkan manusia...
wah... sama cantik sama padan penantin ni... sekarang ada hero-hero plaks
Mak su,
ya lah mak su, manusia sekarang ni bukan setakat nk berebut membunuh pun mcm dah jd kebiasaan..dunia dah nk kiamat agaknya..
tq tq..tu dulu sekarang..errr tamo cerita lah..alhamdulillah I'm very blessed with the presence of my 3 heroes.
Wah.. cantiklah Nat..at least Mr Nat approved gak.. Mr LJ langsung tak approved..lolzzz... so I told Farah, I tak dapat lahh join tag ni...hehehe..
Takper LJ...he must has his own reasons..but if I hv the opportunity to go to ur house boleh lah tgk kan????hehhehhe
Boleh tak that one no probs...hehe
yeyy..tenyum2 simpul tuh..hahhahha, emm I wonder if you were thinking what was the time..muahhahaha..*lariiiiiiiii*
BTW, that was lovely Nat..your abg look like that one of the guy from AF show.
Noushy!!!! you are so observant!and you are not the first person yg ckp mcm tu...hehheheh everybody said he is like ZAHID!but he keep on saying that he is handsome than zahid..LOL.
Time apa?apa?apa? ckp!!hehehhee I don't know lah...I kan innocent..Muahahhahaa
Psssst:don't forget to invite me tau to ur wedding reception..nk pi jugak..bila eh?
~ askum...Nat, tantekkk lah time wedding tu...wooowwww...sama tantekkk sama padan...patutlah 3 orang heros Na tu comeiiii belaka...thanks for sharing Nat...
tq tq...eh malu loh pulokkk..
semua org mesti tantekk masa wedding kan? you pun apa kurangnya..putih gebu..
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