I started to feel the pain at around noon..what is that pain..is he coming? I was at home in Cheras, to be exact Condominium Prisma Perdana just beside HUKM (We rent the house there after we got married). I was in my final year doing medicine and again to be exact, a month before my final professional exam! Luckily it was my study leave. Hubby advised me to go and have a check...but I don't think that was the pain. However few hours later the pain became regular and more painful. We went to admission centre at O&G Dept. HUKM..and yes the doctor said I'm in early labour, so I was admitted to antenatal ward first. At that moment mixed feelings and thoughts came to me..will it be very-very painful? will it be going smoothly..And the thoughts were disturbed by regular contraction pain..
I couldn't even close my eyes that night...due to pain and yet it only opens 2cm..arghhhh..I could not imagine what will it be if it is fully dilated then....
At 3am I felt an intense pain...I called the nurse, and after a checked, they said that I'll be sent to labour room. At 4 am I was wheeled in to Labour room. Then the rest are history......
I gave birth to a Aiman at 9.54am on 12 february 2002..a cute 2.78kg boy...I still keep some of the memorabillias..like his bracelets and even his umbilical cord clamp! It was a Chinesse New Year Holiday..so most of my relatives came to visit at the hospital..I am very blessed to have him in my life and just about a month before my final exam...(went to clinical exam with my socks!)
To Aiman, when you are old enough to read this...I just want you to know that we all love you and a very happy birthday my dear son.
aghhh..that is so sweet and touched!
Aiman would definitely be proud of you both Nat...happy birthday to Aiman, may Allah bless him always.Healthy,wealthy,wise ,naughty ( a lil bit is ok) but nice lad;)
Happy birthday Aiman.
Happy birthday to you 3x.
Awww that was a sweet cum scary story lah Natrah... lama gak eh you were in labour... how old were you then girl??
I think when I become a mommy also I would keep everything..
Happy Birthday Aiman!!!
Farah...Thank you. Don't forget to come tau, cream puff jgn lupa..errr jgn lupa buat.May Allah blessed us..Amin.
Again..Amin.for all the best wishes...thanks Noushy.
He is very excited and keep telling me that his friends said they will bring him presents..oh talking bout present,hubby n I didn't get anything yet for him..tak pe tomorrow we'll get hi something...hope all my blogging friends could be here for the party...eh ni bday party aiman ke..mummy nye blogging party..hehehheh
Yes LJ..I was in labour (established labour) for almost 5 hours!at the I was very tired to push...and that result in vaccum delivery..kesian dia kena sedut keluar..hahahahha.I was 25 then..oh oo..now u know my age..heehhhehe.keep it as a secret ya :)
ya LJ..u should keep them..it is nice to look back at all those memorabillias..and recall back what was happened.u will be smilling to urself.
Aiman:thanks aunty LJ..present? Muahhahaha
happy birthday to big boy, aiman!!!! jgn nakal2 ye, semoga jadi anak yg baik n soleh n dirahmati Allah selalu...
i was on my way to attend the party when my colleague paged me to show up in the ICU.. a 32-yr old man was admitted comma due to alcohol overdose, n ketoacidotic comma...
then, perhaps i'll just send the gift thru my blog later k... nite2 everyone...
Oh Shieda so sweet..nnti akak bgtau aiman that aunty shieda nk bg hadiah kat blog...mesti dia tnya camana nk bwk hadiah tu keluar..hheheheeh
best tak kat sana...ada byk interesting cases tak?
so far shieda rase mmg banyak sgt interesting cases only that kitorang takleh handle case2 sgt... sbbnye everything kne write on case history later n our competence on russian language masih diragui... it is true sbb we all can talk, write and understand well, but when it comes to proper language, banyak grammatical error actually....
still, i'm confident wt my theoritica knowledge, n bout the practical thing tu have to workhard during houseman nnt la...
u must be my junior in HUKM.
I graduated in 2001. Got married right after prof xm, gave birth to my son in 2002, when I was 25.
anyway, happy 6th bday aiman...:)
Shieda don't worry..u brush up ur theory then bila blk u work hard on practical aspect..boleh laaa,jgn risau.
DrNO..iya ke?ooo that's why U know Ina azmi..my ex-schoolmate.OK thanks for coming..
Aiman also say thanks..
Dari UncleJ..ehh ehh..GranpaJ kot...ekeke
Natrah..makan kek tu ingat2 ler org kat sini dgn yg kat West London tu..Farah tu pun sama jugak..hihi
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