The fact that my post is mostly about my kids makes me more eager to write day by day and observe closely how my kids grow and picking up new things everyday in their life. Frankly I have no writer's blood in me and I don't usually describe things in detail but after I started my blog, I became more observant and will try to remember all the details of the things, which I think is very good for me.
Recently I was told by my beloved blogging friend Ladyjava that I can make extra money by blogging...I was stunned! That is really good..I can spend my time here writing about my kids and me, making cyber friends, gaining new knowledge and get paid!! Even hubby encourages me to do that...(so that he can 'steal' some of the money to pay our streamyx and electricity bills..hehehhehehe). I am now learning about paid post and everything...and you know...I signed up for PPP here drive traffic err.. about a few days ago...and my blog has been approved! Oh by now I should start dreaming what to do with the money..hep! Hubby said it is to pay the bills..:( but it's OK I can divide the money into 2..half for me half and half for the bill..OK my dear?
I really hope that that this is the best decision I made in my blogging history and I guess I'll create more blogs after this and of course gain more money...Yeay! So guys out there why wait? Go and sign up now (hehhehehe I guess PPP should pay me more huh?...really promoting them.)
To all my cyber friends do give me your opinion ya??
Welcome to the PPP family girlfriend...hope you have fun and make lots of money!!! hehhee
Yes LJ..I'm happy with my decision. Hopefully PPP will not disappoint me..
Yeay! Lots of money...berangan la dulu kan :)
Just do the best you can and most importantly have fun!!!
yeyyy..soon will see more blogs and more postings from you!!
..and earn lots of money!!
If I have more blogs and more postings you have to visit me everyday tau...or else my blogs will be sunyi without you...
love ur comments..
Don't worry Nat... we all will come and visit you when you have more blogs...yeayy!!!..err.. you could open like a niche blog for medical stuff and situation you know.. that would be fun...
Good Idea LJ...mesti I buat satu about that..nnti bila masa allows me to do that
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