Nothing much to write because I'm quite busy with the preparation for Aiman's birthday party tomorrow..just to share some of these pictures taken during the preparation...
Balloon blowing session
The balloons
Goody bags
I guess that's all for today..I'm tired, sleepy and will be very busy tomorrow...and to all my blogging are invited to Aiman's Birthday party tomorrow at 5.30pm...
yeyyy!!..It's the party time...everything seem in order.Hope the party goes well yea Nat.
All the best and happy birthday again to Aiman.
awat tunjuk awai sangat goody bag??? tak surprise dah .... hihihihihihi. Sian aku tgk mak hang embus belon...ekekekkekekekekekekekek..
Uncle J:terima kasih..nnti suruh farah bwk balik sikit kek bg uncle...hhehhhehhe bg uncle tgk je laaa
Farah:mak aku ada asthma so elok untuk dia dok tiup tu...Muahahhahaha.(aku pun dok kata kat dia mlm ni kalau penat bwk pi spital,org tnya pasaipa penat..jgn ckp dok tiup belon utk bday cucu plak...malu.)
Yeay.. Noushy you said time!! Everything look great Nat! And I'm sure the party is gonna be a blast!!! Have a great time ya!!
Noushy & LJ:Huh very tired yesterday..Alhamdulillah it went on smoothly..sampai lupa nak amik gambar!So only a few sempat amik before party is over...LOL.
Anyway Aiman is very happy and I guess he want it to be done every year..mak oiii teruk la camni..thanks for all of your support..
Alhamdullilah! eheheh so takder gambo lah ni... tsk tsk tsk..takperlah.. yg penting everything went fine! Yeay for the party planner and yeay for the birthday boy!
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