I had a very busy and hectic day today...woke up very early today...around 2.30 am..feeding Afiq and later I found out myself in front of this laptop..LOL..cannot continue my sleep. At 5.30am again Afiq had his milk, after that I decided to prepare myself for work. At 8.30am I already started my clinic...and it went on until 1pm..non stop! During lunch break I did a part time locum at LPPKN Clinic (hehehe for my xtra income!). At 2.30pm again I had a presentation to do..finished at 5pm.Huh...feels so tired but when I came back and looked at my kids face..I felt relief...
As you can see my countdown up there...Aiman's birthday is 7 days away...I planned to have a small birthday party for him...so tonight I gave him a task.....
To write down his guest list!

He is writing in full concentration!

So does his brother...no need to ask him to write...usually he'll do whatever his big brother does.(but I don't know what he wrote...when I asked him,he said"Bang ngah tulis robot"...LOLz)

After writing the list Aiman asked me to snap a picture of him to put in the invitation card...(coz I told him that I'll use the guest list that he wrote to send an invitation card to his friends) Amboi..bergaya sakan! can you see the scar over his left eyebrow? that was the scar left after he had stitches for a deep cut..(fall at the nursery!) at the age of 3 yrs plus...hahahaha saham turun. but also it means that he could claim to be harry potter..... (if he ever knows who is harry potter)

Danial also want his picture to be taken..but can you see his eyes..sleepy eyes! Usually they already go to bed at this time (9pm)
Finally..Aiman's guest list
In case you cannot read what he wrote...
1. Firdaus
2.Afiq najmi
3.Amzar fitri
5. shakirin
6. Ima sharil
9.Auni izati
10.Aina shafika
I am proud of him...he is only becoming 6 in 7 days but he managed to write this list...well done Aiman!
Today I got an award from my blogging friend Noushy...So sweet of you Noushy...I appreciate this so much...I am very happy to one of your blogging friend..and hopefully this friendship last forever.
Eh Aunty LJ mana??? lolz... wah bijak2 anak you natrah.. you must be proud.. eh don't worry abt the scar, in guys those kind of thing buat saham lagi naik...lolzzz
Anyway.. happy preparing...!!! and happy sleeping doc!
Aunty LJ pakai ecard..so tak yah masuk list...
you know LJ the scar became obvious sgt because it was given 2x stitches!right after kena he was given 4 stitches,then 3 days after dia kena pintu plak at the sama place...so the wound broke down and had to stitch back..that's why pretty obvious the scar.
I notice that Aiman is bright..masa dia 4 years old he got 5th place in exam,last year number 2..among 30 student kat tadika dia..kira ok la...nnti besar don;t know lah
Alamak... kantoi! lolz... wow twice kena sew the same place.. cian nyer... besar tu nanti smart gak... like the mommy lahh :)
aik, awat nama aku takdak dalam list aiman????????/ sedeyyyyyyyyy
LJ..harap2 mcm tu lah...tp masa sekolah I tak pandai tau..tak caya tanya Farah...kan Farah kan?SPM lg ta bley harap...
Farah...tu list kawan2 otai dia...ada list lain yg VIP nye...hg masuk situ..LJ skali..don' wori
what's that peribahasa, lauk tumpah kat lauk? InsyAllah!... eh eh eh natrah tak tidoq lagi kamu ya...heheh
yihaaa ada vip list.... caya sama lu natrah!!!
yeh yeh..and also auntie Noushy and Uncle Syahyang kan kan Aiman? tehehhehe...
Natrah, alaa boys tak kesah camne pun tetap smart, and saham tetap maintain..;)
Nat..SPM tu apa? A-Level rite?
Why I'm not on the guest list ... hahaha...
xper.. cool ape ade scar :)
after all, u can always remove it .
LJ..mana ada peribahasa lauk tak tumpah ke lauk..kuah laaaaa..hehehheh. Tamo la kalau aiman dapat kuah like...he will be talkative like me..oh no...cannot..
P.s: LJ I slept at 1.30am..hehehehe better than last night.
Noushy..nnti I anto ecard vip utk u and ur Shahyang..mesti dtg tau..kalau dak Aiman sedeyyy..
LOLz lupa plak u tak penah study sini
SPM? errr tak sampai A-level lg kot...alamak apa ye..mcm last exam kat high school kot...apa ya namanya..ask ur Shahyang la kot2 he knows
Hannan..don't wori u and shieda also will be included in the VIP list..heheehheh kena mai bawak present besaq ni bila masuk VIP list.
Tu la ingt nk buang gak scar tu tp takut jd scar yg lg buruk plak..kena jumpa plastic surgeon la ni..hehehheh (heh aiman jgn harapp)
hahaha natrah...me and my peribahasa mmg hopeless but I try nonetheless lahh...hehehe..what is it they say.. practice makes perfect??? heheheh
Noushy, Natrah! SPM tu "O" Levels...ewah pandai LJ! lolzzz
you're right LJ..sib baik u ada..or else Noushy will pening kepala pikir what is SPM..hehehe
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