My office (District Health Office) and all the clinics under it have ISO 9001:2000 certification. I think most of us know about this quality management system (QMS). I've been involved in this area since 2 years ago when my friend resigned her position as 'Management Representative' a.k.a MR. I was then appointed to replace her. It is a very tough position and needs a lot of, time, energy, family and etc.
As a MR my job is to coordinate all the quality management system (QMS) related activities such as internal audits, Management Review Meeting (MRM), continual improvement and training. Talking about training, each year I have to organise at least 2 times training for our new staff regarding awareness of ISO 9001:2000 in our department apart from other Management Courses . Usually I will be busy preparing for it at the beginning of the year and this year we will have it once on this coming 24th of March and the next one in July. I found that this course (Awareness of ISO 9001:2000) is very useful for our new staff because in that course we will try to introduce them what is ISO 9001:2000 and how it is done in our department. It will help them to do their job efficiently and also comply to the QMS that we had already developed. As for me, I've gained a lot of experiences through handling this course. Although it is tiring but I found that I'm incline towards this admin job compared to clinical job..hehehe but that doesn't mean that I hate seeing patients :)
To my dear reader wish me luck ya for my next surveillance audit..hopefully there's no non-conformity found.
Wish you all the best and good luck my can do it!
tq is very lucky to have a friend like you..I will try my best
caiyuk caiyuk, natrah boleh
Mak su,
tq maksu :)
Training is great for your career and for the company Nat. Good luck dearie!!
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