Thursday 14th February 2008
Morning :
-I went to the market to buy chickens, prawns and vegetables..sent the chickens to my helper's house to be marinated.
-Went home and prepared dessert for the party (Lychee Puddings)
-Took back the chickens
-went to the bakery to pick up birthday cake
-last minute shopping for snacks
-Started to grill the chicken, prawns and squids.
-Fried the noodles and rice (fried noodles and fried rice)
-Started to arrange the tables and chairs
The party started..ops before I forget..we actually forgot to take pictures during the party because we were very busy entertaining our guest!..until the time Aiman blowed the candles..LOL...
Aiman was very excited because he knew that his friends will come to his house..and when his first guest arrived, he ran inside! (malu konon..LOLz).We could see happiness in his eyes and it is priceless.
The birthday cake..

Make your wish my dear
birthday boy with his presents
Finally a birthday boy "collapsed" on a sofa...very tired!
....and his parents too...
Hiya Natrah! I'm sure you guys had a wonderful time at the party. Being host and hostess ain't easy. The cake looked great and yummy lahh..and Aiman looked very happy as well.. sampai senget2 potong cake..lolzz..
Wah banyak present gak eh.. best!!!
hahahaha..look like he had agr8 time! The cake definitely look yummilicious...
Aiman must be so tired until collapsed on the sofa and I'm sure so did with mummy!!;)
Another gift for you Nat:
Have a gr8 w/end.Take care yea.
Dear Noushy,
Aiman was very excited..and happy to see all his friends came to the party.
The cake was was a 2kg moist choc cake..
yes Noushy..after the party that day..I slept at 9pm!Very tired and had a painful legs..because I stand all the way during the party...LOL..
thanks Noushy for the award..thanks because you recognized my effort in this cyber world..that's an encouragement for me..TQ again.
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