Our last visit to Langkawi Island was 5 years ago (even before Danial was born!). That was the reason why we chose Langkawi for this short break. I love Langkawi for its beautiful beaches and also homemakers shopping heaven! (You can get a wide variety of kitchen items and tableware at a very affordable price). Apart from that...chocolates are my MUST BUY item. What else you can get there at a very low price?..errr Yes! Imported cars! :) You can get a brand new Honda Civic 2.0 at only RM70000 plus..which I got it here at 128k...LOL . However hubby and me decided not to buy anything except the chocolates during this holiday.
We took a ferry from Kuala Perlis Jetty at 2pm and arrived in Langkawi Island at 3pm. It was a smooth journey because there were not many people as it was not a holiday season.
Quiet jetty with only few people were waiting to board the ferry

On board...
We rented a Toyota Serena for only RM 150/day...this price will double up during school holiday..so moral of the story..don't come to Langkawi during a holiday season :)
At the hotel lobby
After checked into Helang Hotel just beside Langkawi International Airport...we took a good 1 hour rest before went out for shopping in Kuah Town...don't ask about what I bought :)...all chocolates, chocolates and chocolates.....hhehehehehhe I spoiled my kids teeth.

Helang Hotel was a nice hotel but poorly maintained swimming pool...LOL (poor Danial cannot play in the pool because there was no appropriate or divided pool for children..so dangerous!). I was told by their staff that the hotel usually use for meetings and courses so they seldom use the swimming pool...errr but still they have to maintain the pool right?
However, both rooms were spacious enough for my family and my parents and you'll be surprised looking at the corridor outside the room, so wide as if it was a hall! After spent about 2 hours shopping in Kuah Town..we headed to pantai Chenang to have our dinner..(too hungry and forgot to snap pictures during our dinner..hhehehehhe).
The next morning we went to langkawi Cable Car as Aiman kept asking us to go there. On the way to the Cable Car we stopped at Telaga Harbour to see the yatch and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I also spent some time checking out The Loaf. Yes, the bakery owned by our ex-PM Che Det (as Kedahans called him).

The Loaf Langkawi
A very nice bakery and Bistro to have your breakfast while enjoying the beautiful picturesque scenery of the marina. I bought a few types of croissants and buns..they were fabulous. All I can say is that, you should come to experience the difference.

Memories at Telaga Harbour..
We continued our journey to Langkawi Cable Car. Aiman was telling us that he is not afraid to try the cable car (Oh! Did I ever mention that he cried his lung out when we took a ride on Eye on Malaysia(the largest ferris wheel) last year?). So, we just said.."OK lets see.."
Hahahahhaahahhahaa look at his face (sampai kembang hidung..trying to calm himself!) at the start of it.

The breathtaking pictures from up there...

My beloved hubby at the entrance
Before went back to the hotel..everybody was tired and hungry!
We took a rest after our lunch that day and went back to Kuah town at 5pm for the second round shopping activities...hhehehheeheh. Later that day we went to my relative's house to have our dinner (I have a few relatives there in langkawi and they were all very warm and friendly even though we met only for a few times before).
The last day in Langkawi...after our breakfast we went to the swimming pool but to our surprised we found out that they didn't provide a separate children pool plus it was not maintain properly..a lot of insects inside the pool!! So despite going to the pool we went to Pantai Chenang..a very beautiful beach. Aiman was very excited and Danial even more because we got him a floating ring with a steering! enjoy the pics guys..
At 11am we were back to the hotel to pack our things before checked out at 12 noon. We took a ferry at 3pm to go back to Kuala Perlis and arrived home at 9.30pm (we did pit stop at my bro's house in Kangar Perlis till 7pm :).
Although everybody was sooo tired but we had a great time there in Langkawi and I'm planning to have my family gathering there next year with my parents and all my bros and sister..
I hope that was the closing of this month..March 2008... so many things happened in my family started from Afiq's admission to the hospital to robbery attempt at my house. Hopefully with this memorable Langkawi holiday everything will go on smoothly in the months ahead.Phewww...finally I managed to post this. I'm very busy since I have no helper at home and my works also leave me with a big headache right now :) (ISO surveillance audit is coming!!)
Today I brought Afiq for his 3rd dose of immunisation..the TRITANTRIX vaccine (a combination of Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus vaccine) and also his 3rd Oral Polio vaccine. He is now 6.3kg. Yes gaining another 200g since the last time I weighed him. Alhamdulillah..
Firstly.. welcome back and Alhamdullilah you guys selamat pergi and kembali.. secondly alhamdullilah Afiq is gaining weight again :)
Now for the vacation.. wow the last time we went to Langkawi also from this jetty lahh... wah so nostalgic... I love shopping in Langkawi as well. all the branded goods also so cheap...enjoy sakan..
The cable car ride tu best kan.. I loved it.. the view was excellent! Oh I would love to check out the loaf. sedaps tak??
So great you guys got a fantastic vacation.. so the next one is gonna be just the two of you right?? ahem ahem...lolzz
sonotnye nat becuti
tepancar kegembiraan di wajah hero2 nat ehehe
nnt damia dah besar sikit nak bwk la dia bercuti..
btw ..nat cute ler..walopon dah beranak 3, body pun maintain ekk...kena mintak byk tips nih..*wink*wink...
Wow, imagine from 128K to 70K of new Honda Civic!! Really worth it for a newly wed couple if looking for something luxurious, isn't it?
Glad that you and family had a wonderful time and thanks for sharing.
ALhamdulillah your lil Afiq is gianing weight well.
p/s Nat,you look nicer then before..I think women look more gorgeous after married and put on weight a lil bit..:)
Alhamdullillah everything went on dgn selamat.Best kan langkawi..when was the last time you go there?I think these the past few years the development in Langkawi was very drastic..especially kat jetty tu...dah ada Starbucks! dulu paling OK pun KFC jer..I suka shopping utk tablewares..byk choice..tp this time tak beli pun sbb tak larat nk angkut lah with the heroes lagi..huh kang ada yg tertinggal barang separuh plak.
Cable car..hehhe I phobia dgn tempat tinggi tp this time buat2 berani je..and that's the way to overcome phobia pun..
the Loaf..alamak you should go and taste it lah..kat The Pavillion pun ada..sedaps especially if dine in..I tapau je so all the bread dah keras sikit anyway the taste still tak berubah lah
hehheehhe my nxt honeymoon??shhhhhhh :)
betul bila anak dah besar2 diorang yg akan ajak holiday..lagipun hubungan family jd lagi rapat..OK cepat plan for your next holiday..hehhehehe meh Langkawi I boleh jd tourist guide :)
alamak..blush blush! senang je petua nye..ada 3 boys cam diorang ni and tak yah ada maid kat umah..sure bley maintain :)
Yes 128k down to 70k..but you cannot bring it out from Langkawi lah..if you want then hv to pay the tax jugak lah :) that is why you'll find that Langkawi folks mostly owned imported cars..
hahhahahhaa another compliment for me...mana ada Noushy, I'm still the same but true enough you'll gain a bit of weight after you gave birth..cepat noushy! tawen tawen...jd lagi tantekk :)
Salam Natrah! Wow! Cool pictures! Glad you enjoyed the trip and thanks for sharing those great pictures!
NAT..hohoho, aiyakk in that case NVM, I tot you could take it out from Langkawi for 70K!!
Yeah rite my dear,seriously, you look tantik even from your wedding day!
...I mean it..:)
Yeap, mau mau tawen yeyyyy!!I'm anxious waiting for the time..insyaallah!
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