Hehhehee I had to make him cry before I could snap this pic of his new teeth..can you see those 2 little teeth over his lower gum?
You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe |
![]() You're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites. And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear. |
akak, gigi tu naik btol2 usia afiq 6 bulan kan... betol2 cam theory dalam buku... hehe.. comeyl sangat afiq tu nangis, mummy die ni tak baik tau paksa2 afiq tunjuk gigi.. afiq malu lagi tu...
nampaknye tambah2 manja afiq nagn new nanny die tu ye kan kak... at least kita tau nanny tu bagus n perihatin sgt kat afiq... ok afiq, good night sayang...
betul 6 bulan..gigi mula naik masa 6 bln ek? lupa laaa teori sume dah berabuk
sekarang tak yah nk paksa pun nangis, asal letak je melalak..adoi letih!kang ada yg buat cam oshin plak kang...kendong kat blkg time nk wat keje umah...hhehehe
good nite to aunty shieda too
hahaha so cute must get him to cry to take picture.. cian afiq... mommy bully eh?? eh mesti dia meragam kan gigi nak kluar tu.. and alamak i think you must tell the nanny not to carry him too much.. susah you nat..
Anyway..nite2 mommy and the 3 heroes household :)
so apa u buat Nat to make him cry? did u cubit him? hehe.
yes I dah bgtau them not to carry him selalu sgt..
yesterday mmg dia asyik nangis je I pun pelik, rupa-rupanya nanny dia tak bg susu langsung semlm sbb miscommunication...hubby bgtau them not to give the nestum diorang ingt sekali susu pun tak yah bagi..lol.patut la dia meragam semlm...laparrrrrr.diorang bg bubur nasi je kt dia semlm...sian dia..but today I guess everything settled..dah bg clear instruction.
harap2 dia dh ok mlm ni...
Muahahahhahahhaa no need to cubit la Farina...letak jer dia dh melalak...hish penat betul bila dia dh pandai buat perangai la ni
Alahai miscom rupa nyer.. cian afiq.. dia jadi mangsa.. lapaq patutlerr nangis... if it were me .. i cry too....heheheh
hehe comelnya dah ade gigi
damia baru gatal2 gusi tuhhh
asyik nak mengeget jerk
sampai baju skirt tu tarik ke atas dia nak geget, selalu kena marah je tu...
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