Yesterday 17th March 2008, marked Afiq's 1st day at his new baby-sitter's house. We call her Mak Teh. Mak Teh lives with her husband and their 3 daughters age 7-21. Mak Teh has a food stall here and when she go out to her stall, Afiq will be taken care by her 2nd daughter Kak Ngah. Kak Ngah previously worked at a nursery in Penang but she resigned a few weeks back because she had prolonged cough most probably
because she is allergic to polluted air over there (near an industrial area). That's a good news for us :). So, yesterday we sent Afiq to Mak Teh's house at 8.15am and as usual he looked very happy and giggled happily when Kak Ngah carrying him. It looks like they have a lot of experiences in taking care of the children because before Mak Teh started her food stall bussiness about 3 years ago, she used to take care of 8 babies at one time! with the
help of her daughters. Looking at their house anybody will know that they pay particular attention on cleanliness which is good for Afiq. Hopefully everything will be going on smoothly and Afiq is happy staying there.Pssst: I guess they love baby boy too because Mak Teh has only 1 son age 20+. Afiq, you are so lucky!
Natrah, good luck for this baby sitter.. :-) someday I will visit Malaysia, hopefully we all can meet! :-)
TQ Trin. Yes you should come to M'sia..I'll be waiting :)
Nat.. this is such good news dearie... they look like nice people. I hope this works out for you and little Afiq.. cian dia about your other two kids?? Is Mak Teh taking care of them too??
it's good that u found them... hopefully lil afiq akan sihat selalu.... cayang die...
harap2 mcm tu lah..dah letih la cari baby sitter pun..harap yg ni boleh stay sampai afiq masuk sekolah tadika...hehhehhe
Hi Nat...Look like Afiq enjoyed his stay with the new Mak Teh's..
Insyaallah, everything's OK now and glad to hear that Mak Teh's daughter use to work in nursery and surely she has some good experienced on taking care babies...
I pun harap mcm tu..very tired lah finding a good baby sitter :(
Hi Natrah,
thanks for sharing. Your post was in 2008. I wonder whether you are still sending your boy Afiq to Mak Teh now or not.
I am currently looking for someone to babysit my newborn starting on this coming June 2011. Just trying my luck, if let's say Mak Teh is no longer babysitting for your kid, and if you don't mind sharing her contact with me?
- Ennie
enni, i guess u can try to contact mak teh but at the moment i dont have her contact...if u really interested u can email me personally so that i can try to find her contact for u :)
ops! btw, my email
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