Happy celebrating Maulidur Rasul
2008...the birth day of our prophet Muhammad S.A.W and the day to remind us as muslims of our prophet Muhammad S.A.W and His battle to uphold Islam...
Today is a public holiday but my family just spend it at home..because my hubby is working :(
After I did the laundry I started to cook for lunch. Aiman and Danial were playing with their friends. Aiman asked me whether he can invite his friends to have lunch over at my house, so I
agreed and I suggested them to have it outside like 'picnic in the garden'. They were all excited and keep asking me when the lunch is supposed to be ready..LOL. I recall when I was a small girl I love to have this kind of picnic...had lunch outside the house under shaddy trees with friends. During my time we used to bring our own food and share with each other...still remember a few girlfriends whom I used to picnic with :)
Look at their faces..very happy and I hope they will remember this picnic when they grow up..like I do.
Happy Maulidur Rasul as well Nat..
Wah wah wah.. so cozy under the tree.. really like picnic minus the beach eh... look like really fun lahh..
So what did you cook up for them??
yeyyy!! Nat..it reminds me of my tree house when I was younger...
Having picnic like that surely heaven's like!..They must have their good times.
Yeah rite, same Q like LJ..did you cook coconut rice for them or CKT..hehehhe
salam maulidurrasul natrah
seronoknye berpicnic
kali terakhir berpicnic masa pregnant 7 bulan ke PD
masa tu mengidam nak mandi laut hehhe
Not coconut rice not CKT..beef soup with fish curry :)
They really enjoy it
eh, funny lah you mengidam mandi laut?? hehehhe mesti syok kan..nasib baik I tak mengidam nk pi UK ke...kalau dak merana my hubby nk kena bwk..btw, I tak pernah mengidam apa2 pun you...nape ek?baby boy kot..tak mengidam sgt..betul ke?
ur kids are so lucky dpt mom like u. boleh ajak gang2 picnic in the park/garden lagi! ;)
have a great weekend Nat.
Nat.. you tak jawab my question..lama tunggu ni....uwahhh!!
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