Intensive Care Unit or better known as ICU is a ward where everybody doesn't like to be admitted...but who likes to be admitted to any ward anyway.. if you have to choose...then, I guess ICU will be your last choice right?I was there yesterday...in one of the priv

ate hospital in Penang...My staff 's hubby was admitted there due to viral
meningoencephalitis. It is an acute inflammation of the brain and the meninges (meninges is a system of membrane which envelope the central nervous system) due to viral infection. He used to be a healthy man in his late 30's.However a week ago he had a high grade fever and started being delirious and after 5 days of fever despite on a strong dose of antibiotics (for your info viral fever does not respond to antibiotic treatment anyway..that was the reason why his fever still shooting up despite the antibiotics)..he collapsed,self-paralysed (err..lay man term Coma kot) and need

a ventilator to support his life...so pity to him.I could not even imagine what would it be if I were in his wife's shoes..(most probably I'll need a ventilator too..:) )How do you feel when your healthy spouse whom you dependent on suddenly collapse and you have to take care of him/her while he/she is being managed in ICU? That is what happened to my staff..She h

as 3 children and the youngest is 10 year old. One thing that I noticed during my visit yesterday, she is a very strong lady and accept the fact that her hubby may not ever be awake again. She kept smiling but deep in her eyes I could see the sadness..On they way back from the hospital I kept thinking of her and how would I cope with such a great test given by Allah if it happens to me...I 'm afraid that I'm not as strong as her..Whatever it is I hope a miracle will happens and he will wake up again..To Kak Siti...I hope Allah will give her strength to face the situation...Amin.
Natrah, i feel bad reading this entry. it must have been tough and bad for the wife. anyway, what was the cause for it to happen to the husband? just suddenly? or was he having any pains as such? any chances to be OK again? let's pray for his good health to be back! insyaAllah.
Finaz:mmg kesian kan...saiful the one who referred him to private hosp in sp but since kat sp tu takde neurologist they referred him to Island.We talk to the neurologist what might be the cause,he said may be due to water that got into his ears while he bathe at one of the air terjun here few days before the incident...but veryrare la nak jd camtu...very unlucky lah...chances is 50 -50 and i guess I never see patient yg wake up after that lah..tp kat gov hosp la..kat private may b boleh kot ..meh kita doa ja lah kan
Oh dear! I ikut sedih baca citer you ni. I hope everything turns out the best for everyone. I will doa as well :-)...
err macam mana nak avoid get viral infection ni??
LJ..viral infection ada byk jenis kan...as long as i know yg ada vaccine to prevent meningitis is only for influenza virus...others belum ada kot..so what to do..just pray you won't get it
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