Akademi Fantasia...I guess all Malaysian know about this reality show.According to Wikipedia" Akademi Fantasia or simply known as AF is
Malaysia's first
reality show, which brought big changes to the Malaysian ente

rtainment scene in the year 2003, when the first season of the show aired by
Astro Ria."Most of my friends and family like this show but for me and hubby it is a big NO..NO!Personally I think this reality show (plus all "singing" reality show) will just encourage our youngsters to think that being a singer is the best ever things in life they could do...and if you are just the one among those whom sending the vote through sms...you are re

ally wasting your money...what do you get??May be some says ,Satisfaction..I didn't say that I don't like singing or our entertainment industry, in fact I enjoy listening to music..but why the reality show left us with such a big impact...i heard that some even spent RM50 every week just for sms vote! The latest thing that suddenly triggered me to post this entry was about a 44 year old pub singer who also tried her luck in this reality show...I don't know what to say but at least I can tolerate when the youngsters do but this one...errr...I also heard that there's a person who went for the audition would give up his job as a government servant if he is selected to be one of the contestant...do you think this is wise decision???I let it to you to think of....that's for today.
hmm rasa2 mcm nak gak pi audition! ekekekek
Finaz:pi jgn tak pi...tp jgn pulak resign bila dah jd contestant...kalau menang jd Mila tak pa...takut tak jd :)
Natrah: kalau masuk, hampa la kena dok undi tiap2 minggu, siap kena buat promosi kat klinik and hospital baling "AFUNDI FINAZ" hahahahahha ok ka? -Shafinaz-
takpa takpa kami cop kat peket ubat tu AFUNDI FINAZ..ramai sket org bley tgk...amik ja ubat dapat dpt cop AFUNDI FINAZ...Camana ok??
hahahah memang best promotion kat ubat tu, memang the best! so, kena pi audition mcm ni, harapan nak menang tinggi, nanti dah menang boleh buat konsert kat baling kan? :) -Finaz-:D
kalau pinaz masuk,dia menang , buleh la hang buat posting pasai hang kenai juara AF6....siap boh gambar finaz sebelum bergelar artis...hihihihih
betoi finaz...dah menang kena la buat konsert sini...dah org Baling yg pakat undi bagi menang..
farah:tak pa,aku bley buat blog baru dedicated to Finaz juara AF6..
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