Today is Saturday meaning that I'm at home taking care of my three helper is not around today (bos bagi cuti..hehehhe). Afiq is now 4 months plus..apart from having good head control...he also started to roll over..and today I managed to get pictures of him trying to flip over from his back to his tummy..very difficult task from what I can see...
Yeah he is starting now....

Well I'm already rolled 90 degrees..

Arghh...almost there...come on..come can do it..AFIQ! AFIQ! AFIQ!

Ahhhhhh.......finally I got there...Thank you for your support Mak!

Hi Mak...I'm started to fell tired, my tummy hurts...urkh...

Then I come to the rescue...he managed to be in that position for about 1 minute...yes,well done can try it again, don't worry.
comeinyer Afiq ni...dah 4 bulan ekk...mesti besar pamdai mcm mak dia jugak ..hehehe
bes pulak tgk baby...dah lama tak ber baby, rindu pulak....huhu
So Uncle J...apa lagi tunggu...cepat la lg satu baby...sempat lg. Baby umur2 ni yg best nye bila dah besar sket dah boleh merangkak sana sini dah penat plak nk jaga..
yeh yeh..Afiq is so cute, roller roller rolling cakkkk!
I love baby sit my nephews and taking care of them feel like a satisfaction! Can't wait to have my own..tehehhehe
Nat, are you in Penang as well?
Noushy..ya lo...bila u pulak nk ada baby...mesti lg medicine it is better if you pregnant before you reach 35! After 35 a bit risky..
I'm currently stays in Baling Kedah..err..1 hr journey from plan to come over to Penang??hehehehe
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