Today Dec 2nd 2007 marked the day i started this blog,actually i've been doing this since last night tapi tak sempat siap sebab too sleepy (mana taknya selalu tidur around 9 and last night 2am pun still kat depan komputer) and i'm "too good" at navigating the internet (my friend Farah help me a lot,thanks Farah!).I'm the mother of 3 bouncing boys,aiman,danial and afiq and this blog is mainly to record my daily life with them and people around us.Ops forgot about my hubby ha...My husband is a loving and caring man who loves kids very much (the reasons why he was in charge of paediatrics wad while he was working in the hospital). Currently he owns a medical clinics and being a private medical practitioner.As for me I'm a medical officer at a goverment clinic and currently in my confinement holiday (dah habis pun 60days now ambik unpaid leave).So come to the best part,my three heroes.The eldest Ahmad Aiman who is now 5 years old,2nd and the most active boy among the16 of my parents grandchildren (so that you can imagine how active he is) is Ahmad Alif Danial 3 years old and my youngest 2 month old Ahmad Afiq Iskandar AIMAN
Today Aiman stay at home (cuti sekolah actually tadika dia still open but he doesn' want to go). One thing about Aiman he loves to eat (also the reason i always have to cook) so today bak (my children call my hubby "bak") bring Aiman to kenduri during lunch hour,dia tambah nasi 3x!!
Then he took 2 hours of afternoon nap ( nap ke tido malam?Kenyang la tu)
1 comment:
looking frwd to meet all of u..loving n hepi family.Nat,start planning of buying new mpv or a minibus.:)
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