Today i sent both Aiman and Danial to the nursery with hope they will play together without quarelling as what they used to do when they were at home.Aiman a bit upset about this because he usually watch tv from morning till afternoon at home (no tv at the nursery!),so when i took them back for lunch they both asked me make a kite..entah di mana datang idea diorang i don't in the afternoon i tried my best to make one using newpaper,rupanya macam ni lah...(hehe that was after whacked by danial already..kalau tak lagi cantik).Aiman was helping me and Danial was playing with a cable (untuk connect hp to laptop,yg kat atas sofa tu). suddenly i heard Aiman crying so loudly and cover his right eye with his hands..oo at that moment i just pray that it does't hit his right eyeball!Lucky me and missed his eyeball,but luka jugak la eyelid dia..Actually no need to put plaster,but he insisted on it..dia kata takut pedih kena air. Finally our kite making session ended up with Danial playing the kite alone,Aiman refused to play with him.

A kite???

Sempat posing lagi tu
This morning i also went for the 2nd time in my life to do a facial treatment (the second reason why i sent them to the nursery hehe).It took quite some time, 1 and half hour session,but not much different to my face pun..may be i should go once a month huh?Forgot to mention, my small little baby Afiq stay with my helper Makcik Siti...poor Afiq.
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