26th December is the day to remember for my family (err...besides the Tsunami.)Today is Afiq's 1st day at the nursery.Everybody was sad..me (how could i leave my child whom i took care of every single day and night the past 3 month),hubby (he won't be able to see Afiq's face during lunch time unless he goes to the nursery),Danial (he cried when i put Afiq in the car and said "jangan bawak adik bang ngah"),Aiman (Although he didn't say anything,from his eyes i knew he will missed his little brother) and even Mak Cik Siti my helper also keep saying that our house will be quiet without Afiq,which i think it won't because Aiman and Danial will still there at home..Afiq... as if he knows that we are going to send him,he kept crying since 7am and he wanted us to pick him up..
I could not hold my tears when my hubby sent Afiq (I just waited in the car,not strong enough to send him myself).I wish I could be a stay at home mom.....
Natrah: sedihnya baca entry ni:( nak buat cam mana kan, dah dua dua kerja. takpa...esok ni bila Nat tua, Afiq hantaq pi umah org2 tua lak. hehehehhehehe -Shafinaz-
kalau dia antaq pi umah org tua,nasib laaa..tapi kalau kita susah2 jaga dia kat umah lepas tu bila tua dia antaq gak laaaaagi tensen...
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