The three heroes

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Afiq first visit to a playground

Afiq my cute boy with me!

A playground!!! My kids love to go to the one fine evening i brought Afiq for the first time in his life to the nearby playground,but his two brothers seems more happier than he is.The playground is quite nice except the rubbish is all over the place..i don't understand why some people just don't bother to take care of the cleanliness of the public places. I really cannot take it when people throw rubbish around (not into the rubbish bin) and one more thing smoking at the public places although the signbord is just beside them!either they don't know how to read or just plain stupid!Sorry quite emotional when comes to moral values in our community...Ok back to my kids at the playground...Aiman and Danial were very excited because they haven't been to play ground since Afiq was born (takde orang nak bawak diaorang sebab i'm the one who usually bring them).Afiq was sleepy when we went there so he didn't notice the things around i think,except he got to breath in the smoke from the cigarette !! (one stupid man smoke there).Overall they were all very happy that evening.

One of the thing they got to play...

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