Yesterday I drove back from KL alone, yes believe me..that was my 2nd time driving alone for such a long distance journey...luckily nothing serious happened :) and guess what, hubby started to worry because I might driving back every weekend!LOL..
Everybody at home are fine which is a good news because we had planned for a short weekend break somewhere this coming weekend.
The weather over here is quite hot and windy..perfect weather to play kites! but today I planned to play badminton with my kids. Cooking is another agenda during my holiday..and it starts with doughnuts! OK got to go...c ya ;)

Happy Holidays Nat! Berapa minggu you cuti ni? Have fun whatever your plan is for the holidays ya?
TQ Farina...cuti nyer seminggu je tp the next 2 weeks are for project preparation, data collection n 3 wks la in total bole dok rumah..yeahhh!! TQ again dear :)
woiiiihh..sakan hang dengan donut pembuka tirai cuti hang! Hhehehehhe....enjoy your short trip nanti and update me on your vakasi!
Wah.. cuti cuti!! Awesome Nat.. I'm sure all in the family are so happy you're back although kejap jer kan??
Eh Nak doughnut!!!!
happy nye bila dah cuti ehhh..., org2 tersyg pun tentu tambah2 beganda happy nya...n tolong kiss kan sekali afiq utk yaya yer he he..dah besor anak teruna nat tu..
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