I could not remember when was the last time I wrote about Afiq, my little boy. He is almost 1 year 4 months old. He started to walk at the age of 1 year 2 months..quite late compared to his 2 brothers. He is very active...and he loves to go to the bathroom and of course loves to play with the water too...luckily his hand cannot reach the water in the toilet bowl!!! or know he will do it ok. I came home on Friday night and I was surprised looking at him sleeping with 2 bruises over his left eyelid...and even abrasion wound! Oh what happen?? I thought he had it when he was sleeping, but no way that was not a new wound. Then, hubby told me, he fell into the drain! What???? Yes he fell into the drain while my maid (mak lang) went outside to hang the clothes..and of course Mak lang didn't realised he was following her..Oh poor Afiq. Luckily the wound missed his left eye. Today the wound recovered well.
last raya in JB..
Danial..he is as usual, has a lot of ideas and very difficult to handle sometimes. When Aiman started his first day at school and we have to buy him exercise books from school..Danial want them Bak had to buy few books and colour pencil for him too..although we already paid for him to get them from his kindy. Everytime he is in the car he would say "bak,bukak bumbung" even it is raining!! But I think he is the one who is most affected when I'm not around..he would say "mak balik lama ke?" :)
Aiman down with fever the last day he went to school last week. According to hubby his temperature was very high and he went a bit delirious whenever his temperature was high..saying that he saw something big! Luckily hubby started antibiotic early so by the second day his fever settled. Today he go to school as usual but his appetite still not very good. I'm going to cook his favourite dish today..hopefully his appetite will recover very soon.
Skybridge KLCC during last Christmas.
isk, Nat, teruk jugak mata Afiq tu. kesian. tapi dalam dok sakit pun boleh panjat pintu depan. hahahhaah confirm serupa macam Danial. action hero!
nat, teruk gak kena kat si afiq! Tapi aku tak sangka btoi dia dah leh kerabat grill!!! Tak padan ngan kecikkkk.....GOOD LUCK LA NAT ..muhahahahhaha...
Farah n Finaz,
tu better tu mata dia, saiful kata on the day dia kena was even worst..biru keliling mata!mcm kena tumbuk..hehehee
Kerabat grill is normal la utk geng-geng ni..terlebih adrenalin..hopefully byk adrenalin otak lg cerdas lah :)
budak-budak maner reti letih, energy diaorang berlebihan
Ala siannyer afiq, ...kemain aktif ekk, biasala kan nat, nak membesar mmg gitu..satu lagi diorg ni tak serik, dah sakit pastu lupa pastu mencoba time careful afiq..
Budak2 memang sakitnya sekejap aje. Lepas tu sambung balik apa diorang buat. Terus lupa sakit and luka.
Kesian Afiq...budak2 mmg cam tu aktif dan sentiasa nak cuba benda baru.
Aiman awak dah 30kg ke? bestnya, my aiman baru 24kg, bagi makan banyak2 pun masih cam tu :(
tinggal scar tk tu nat??? budak2 mesti ade jatuh2 punya kan....
Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!
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