We went back to my parent's house during Aidil Adha this year.. my eldest brother (Along), my sister and my 3rd brother with their families came back too. It is nice to have sort of family gathering once a while. These 3 pics below are the scenery at the back of my parent's house...paddy field! or known as ' bendang' here at my place.
Makan time!..Tok is busy rationing the food...hehehee takut tak cukup :PThe kids had theirs' first..
The girls eat inside the house..
Makan-makan ended at about 9pm..and by 10pm everybody was very tired and slept early that night.
NAT....meriahnya nat..siok tgk suasana adik beradik, anak pinak ramai berkumpoi. Macam jiran aku la, kalau time raya penuh umah, siap tak cukup tilam + bantai...and nieces hang nampak macam makcik2 hang dah pon..hheehhehe..besaq2 dah! Nice and simple gathering that will really strengten the family relationship kan...aku tak pernah rasa macam tuh..dah 2 beradik ja :(
Takde pacat or lintah ke Nat. Itu yg paling i tak sanggup tu. Tengok dari jauh ajelah. lol.
Bestnya ber bbq with everybody. I pun actually prefer our style of bbq rather than american. Ours have lots more varieties fr beef to lamb to chicken to seafood. Semua ada!
Farah,takpa hg beranak ramai-ramai..esok2 umah hg la pulak penuh dgn anak menantu...hehehhee.my mum hse satu bilik mmg full dgn bantai n tilam saja...bila blk ramai mcm ni haaa semua angkut keluaq..
Farina,ada pacat!!!aiman kena gigit dgn pacat but because it cause no pain at all dia tak perasan pun..tiba2 je nmpk kaki dh berdarah..hehehe
yg best sekali our bbq ada cicah dgn air asam n sambal kicap semua tu...tu yg buat jd lagi kick...kan?
wah padi..........seronoknya..meriah ye smbutan aidiladha kt sana
Wahidah,ya lah org utara kalau tak de pokok padi tak sah la..:)
Kebetulan pulak masa rayahaji ni ramai yg balik so tu yg nmpk lagi meriah
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